Welcome to Rubix Asset

About Us


As a company we strive for honesty and a practical approach to doing business. We pride ourselves on

We pride ourselves on the relationships we have forged with our partners across the world. We take great care to ensure contracts are fair to all involved and are carried through with integrity and respect. We will also invest in our partners if it will help ensure that the business operates smoothly

Our Global Network

Rubix has its business operations in South America , Africa and Europe.

Our operation is based in Dubai where we are a licensed importer of Gold and precious stones . We have on the ground partners in these countries where we have legal and management resources.

Contract development

Our method for sourcing product follows strict ethical guidelines and our contract process is proven. We ensure that all local laws and processes are adhered to and that the end result is beneficial to all stakeholders in the process

Existing partner sign in

Contact Us

If you think you could benefit from a business partnership with Rubix please contact us on the following email address information@rubixassets.com

Rubix Asset

Dubai, United Arab Emirates